Potential Coaching
Simply Grow Successfully.
Online Coaching -
Tailored to your needs
No rushing, no one-size-fits-all programs, no mindset speeches! I accompany you the way you need it. Systemic coaching for (new) leaders and entrepreneurs provides you with the added value to strengthen your presence, your (leadership) behavior, and your self-perception in the long run, so you can be the person you want to be. Systemic means holistic. Not only are the coaching sessions sustainable and goal-oriented, but also tailored to your specific needs in your situation. No matter how busy you are personally or professionally, with online coaching, you set the pace and define your goal. Open your laptop wherever it suits you. Together, we find solutions that make a difference!
Raus aus der Unzufriedenheit!
Denn warum ist berufliche Zufriedenheit eigentlich so wichtig? Sie beeinflusst nicht nur Deine Leistung und Motivation, sondern auch Dein allgemeines Wohlbefinden, Deine Gesundheit und Deine Lebensqualität. Unzufriedenheit im Job kann zu Stress, gesundheitlichen Problemen und sogar zu einem Burnout führen. Dabei ist es so einfach, durch Coaching oder Mentoring genauer hinzuschauen, um endlich (wieder) ein erfülltes und gesundes Berufsleben zu genießen!
Endlich wieder morgens ausgeruht aufwachen und sich voll auf die Arbeit freuen, weil sie Spaß macht!
Keine Verspannungen, kein Unwohlsein und Verbesserung von körperlichen Beschwerden, weil die Arbeit zu Dir passt!
Mehr Geduld für das Umfeld und wieder Lust spontan was mit Freunden zu unternehmen, weil man sich nicht mit negativen Kollegen, KollegInnen und Führungskräften rumschlagen muss.
Wieder mehr Energie für andere Dinge haben und mit sich und den eigenen Leistungen zufrieden sein, weil man eine sinnvolle, wertschätzende Arbeit macht.
Coaching can be utilized for various questions and topics. Do you want to leverage your potentials and prepare for your new leadership role? Or discover how to handle situations better, make decisions, or find 'the right' path for yourself?
Get to know yourself better and find more satisfaction in your daily life and more meaning in your overall life.
If your specific concern isn't covered here or if, during an initial consultation, we determine that I may not be the right person for your issue, I'm happy to recommend my coaching colleagues with different focuses.
Berufliche Stagnation
Stress und Burnout-Risiko
Hamsterrad Gedanken
Innere Unruhe
Ständige Müdigkeit
Körperliche Beschwerden
Take the leap! Grow personally and forge your own path.
Whether you aim for personal growth or aspire to advance as a leader, start your own business, or progress in your career – together, we will develop strategies and unravel any (thought) processes, enabling you to unleash your full potential. Through personal development and a change in perspective, decision patterns are redefined, self-confidence is strengthened, and the foundation for value-based decisions is laid. Dare to grow personally beyond your limits and take the path that suits you. I am here to accompany you on mastering your role as a leader, preparing for challenges, or bravely taking the next step in entrepreneurship.
Coaching packages & Prices
1:1 Coaching
1 Einzelcoaching
je 60 Minuten
Online Termin
110,00 €
1:1 Coaching
1 Einzelcoaching
je 90 Minuten
Online Termin
165,00 €
Considering individual coaching with me privately? The initial consultation is entirely free, even if you decide to choose another coach afterward!
Based on experience, 3 - 6 sessions are typically sufficient to take your next steps. We can discuss this further in our first conversation!
Dorotheas professionelle und ausgeglichene Art hat mir geholfen, mein Problem zu definieren und zu verstehen. Dank ihrer Fähigkeit, die richtigen Fragen zur richtigen Zeit zu stellen, konnte ich mich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren und eine Lösung für mich selbst finden.
Führungskraft, Beratung, 40 Jahre
Are you ready for change?
As a systemic coach, I assist you in examining issues within the context of all relevant systems (e.g. workplace, family, friends) that can contribute to the solution. I use questioning techniques and methods to support you on your journey because only when you allow yourself to see the bigger picture you can create sustainable changes.
Your process -Your coaching
It's important for you to know that coaching primarily involves self-initiative. You decide how deeply you want to delve, how much time you invest in the small tasks in between sessions, or when the next coaching session would be meaningful for you. Have a look on how an entire coaching process is structured and what to expect:
The get-to-know call
After you've contacted me, I'll get back to you, and we'll schedule an initial, non-binding introductory call lasting 20-30 minutes. After our conversation, you can take your time to decide whether you'd like to proceed with coaching with me. Since my coaching sessions are active and in-depth, it's very important to me that you feel comfortable working with me.
The Coaching
A session typically lasts at least 90 minutes. Each coaching begins with a specific goal question from you. Using appropriate techniques and methods, we collaboratively work on developing your personal solutions. Even though we work remotely, you'll need paper and pens. Additionally, there will be smaller tasks to complete between coaching sessions.
The conclusion
The coaching concludes once the goal is achieved or when you feel capable of continuing to work towards the goal independently. For many topics, just a few sessions are sufficient to reach the desired objective. At the end of the coaching, we evaluate our process and assess whether you can continue working effectively on your own with an action plan in place.